For far too long now my blog has been on the back burner. Instagram has been at the forefront when it comes to my content and I declared 2020 to be ‘the year of YouTube’, leaving my blog a bit lacking in terms of new posts.
Lately Instagram has just been absolutely terrible to me (and many other creators). My posts and stories are not shown to much of my audience, and it seems the harder I try, the less and less I get. So I am re-thinking where my priority should lie. I’ve always known that my blog should be my #1, because Instagram could up and disappear at any time (unlikely I know but it could happen). But as my audience has grown on Instagram and daily stories are so easy to do, it has just become my go-to and the place my audience knows they can always find me.
I know I will likely never be a daily vlogger on YouTube because it is just a ton of work and not feasible for my life, at least not right now, I already don’t get enough sleep! So I had the idea of daily blogging. Taking blogging back to what it was when I first started! These days it feels like blog posts always have to have some huge, value-added purpose, but when blogging started it was a way for people to connect with each other, share what’s going on in life, and record memories. I want to take it back to that.
So I am going to, for an undetermined amount of time because I always sign myself up for way too much, share daily (or something close to that) blog posts. I’m thinking of my blog as more of an online journal again. Of course I’ll have other posts mixed in as well, but I’m hoping to make this the place you come to see what’s going on instead of Instagram. Plus, Instagram captions are never enough space for me to really get my thoughts out!
I’m super excited to try this out for a while! I’d love for commenting on the blog to become a new way for us to communicate and connect. This will also allow for all of you to connect with one another and build community vs our one on one Instagram messages (we can keep those up too of course!). So what do you think?
Onto the recap of our day - I’m going to have to get better about taking additional pictures outside of Instagram stories lol! All I have for today is a selfie I already shared on IG of me and Georgia because today she is 5 months old!
I truly can not believe she is 5 months old. I swear we just got home from the hospital last week. Can’t say I’m too excited that I have been dairy-free all this time and still have to wake up once a night with her, but I’d do it for 100 more years for my sweet baby G. Every mom says their baby is perfect but mine is as close as you can get. I’ve never heard of a baby who literally gets excited for nap time. When I lay her on her changing table and turn the sound machine on, she gets the biggest smile and gives me all her sweetest noises! It is hilarious to me but hey I would love consistent daily naps too!
Avery spent most of the day at her Grandma’s house today. When she got home she was in the best mood and stayed happy all evening - something that hasn’t been happening much the last week or two! It was so nice to feel like I had my sweetest girl back! I love listening to her constant chatter while she takes care of her babies all day, every day. The stuff she comes up with is both hilarious and ingenious. I think she must have been/may still be going through some sort of mental development or growth spurt, she always seems to have moody phases when that happens and then the storm clouds clear and she is my sunshine once again.
I have been nursing the mother of all clogged ducts the last 4 days. I have no idea what else to do - I have tried it all. It must be getting slightly better because I’m not in excruciating pain like I was the first two days, but I am constantly working on it - massaging, pumping, feeding, all. Day. Long. I’m so ready for it to clear up so I can just stop messing with it! I know exactly how it happened too - there was one night that Brian actually gave Georgia a bottle instead of me feeding her and I didn’t pump. Literally the one full night of sleep I’ve had in 5 months and this is what I get!!
Well this is quite long at this point but that is okay, this is something I’ll look back on years from now! If you’ve made it this far will you please leave me a comment telling me your favorite Halloween candy? I hope you enjoy this new idea and we’ll see how it goes long term! Thanks for reading!
Hang in there babe, that clogged duct will hopefully clear up soon!! Favorite candy is probably twix although when I was younger it used to be 3 musketeers lol!