New Mom Q&A

Today I am going to be answering some of your questions about being a new mom!  I asked for questions on Instagram, so make sure you're following along to catch the next time.

6 Month Postpartum Update: Workouts and Weight Loss

Where did the last 6 months go?  If you're not a mom just yet you can't imagine how fast time flies once you have a baby, and if you're going through it as a mom with me then know that I feel for you.

When I was pregnant I never really worried much about my weight and didn't really think about what my body was actually going through.  Going through pregnancy your body changes so gradually that you don't really notice how much you've changed until you look back at a year old picture.  There was only one day that I can remember when I was pretty large that I got that little panic inside me - "will my body ever look the same?".  And the answer is no, but it will still look good.