About a month into fall we finally made it to a pumpkin patch! It was only 85 degrees and blindingly sunny but we did our best to imagine what fall might feel like if we actually had a fall here in Florida.
So today was quite the adventure. Brian took the day off work and we were going to go to a local farm that has a pumpkin patch, sunflower fields, and other fall activities. We’ve been planning this for over a week now but of course I had to go and mess it up. You have to buy tickets to the farm, which I completely forgot about until Brian reminded me last night at about 11PM and at that point they were sold out for today.
I was so mad at myself! But we just decided to go to a smaller pumpkin patch we knew of instead. When we arrived there at 10AM we saw they opened at 11AM. At this point I wanted to just say forget it! But we walked around for an hour instead which ended up being fun and then we were able to explore the pumpkin patch.
It was actually a really cute little spot. They had set up a bunch of different photo spots and had tons of nice pumpkins. Now if only our two little models would have wanted to cooperate! No, they did well considering both girls were hot and tired and it’s hard to get a toddler and wobbly baby to pose for pictures in hay-filled photo spots.
In the end we left with a great pumpkin, which I’m sure will be an adventure to carve, and plenty of pictures to remember the day. We got smoothies for the ride home to cool off with and everyone napped well this afternoon after our outing!
After naps we hung out at my mom’s for a couple hours before coming home for bed time. I need to do laundry so the only long sleeve onesie left for Georgia was a little fancy, but it’ll have to do for tonight. Of course I had to snap a quick pic because how cute is a baby in a little black onesie complete with pearls and a pink handbag?
Maybe next year we will be able to go to a more fun filled pumpkin patch experience and God willing we’ll be done with wearing these masks! 2020 is definitely a year for the books though!
What fall activities have you been able to do this year?
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