As I often do on Monday mornings, today I found my mind wandering around the thought of my blog's future. I don't want my blog to slowly fade into the black, and lose all of my hard work from the last almost 2 years. As I sat at my corporate desk job, I thought about the freedom I could have if I just got my blog in check. I often think about this and get 'lightening bolts' of inspiration and motivation like "yeah I got this, gonna work my butt off but I'm gonna be a full time blogger by this time next year!". A few minutes later I find myself back on the couch, watching HGTV and mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. I'm finally ready to make the commitment - something has to change. Don't get me wrong, I have a great job, but for anyone who loves blogging, you know the dream of doing it full time is always there!
I'm writing this post as a form of accountability for myself, to make sure I'm not letting you guys down! To everyone who is reading my blog now or has in the past - Thank you! I will always be grateful for those who loved me when I was small :) I want to grow though! I want to reach more people, and start providing more value to my readers, be it blogging advice, style tips, wedding inspiration, or just ranting about life.
The way I got through college was with little lists all over the stinking place of small, achievable goals. I was so organized during finals, I always had a well laid out plan with actionable steps to follow. Why did I think I could just wing it when it comes to blogging?! So. Here is the plan I currently have in place and am going to start implementing now (well this post will be posted Monday night instead of Monday morning, but, forgive me just this once!).
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New posts Monday and Wednesday mornings
Mondays will be fashion, life, beauty, or blogging related, Wednesdays will be wedding related until I run out of things to share for that (which may never happen becasue I love wedding talk!). I want to have this schedule for me and for you - so we all know what's coming. I can plan ahead, and you can wake up twice a week excited to check out what's new on the blog! ;)
Instagram posts every night Sunday through Thursday
I try (and usually do) post every single night to Instagram. I want to take Friday and Saturday nights off from this because 1) I feel like engagement is low then anyways and 2) I want to focus on my family during those nights and not worry about social media. When you give yourself a break you usually do better work because you're not burnt out!
Share blog posts on Facebook (Mon. and Wed.)
I do this now when I post a blog post and want to continue to do so. I have over 100 likes on my Facebook page and that definitely needs to increase! I'm hoping consistency will help me grow.
Share others' blog posts that I love to Facebook Tuesday and Thursday
I love the idea of spreading love through the blogging world. I am constantly finding amazing blog posts and I want to start sharing them to my Facebook fam!
Add 'click to tweet' to blog posts
I think this feature is so cool and I always use it when I'm reading a good post, so why not add it to my own? Its a super simple way for readers to share your posts. Click below if you want to share this post :D
Start scheduling social media posts
I NEED to do this. I usually have my pictures ready to go but the times I don't usually result in a less than stellar quality post. I only want to post high quality stuff and actually get a handle on that whole Instagram theme thing, so scheduling is my goal!
Comment one thing you do to keep your blog on point so I can have more goals to set for myself once I accomplish these!
One more thing - Snapchat! I've already started this one, I post quite a bit now on snap and I really like it, I love watching snap stories and so I figure, hey, maybe people will like to see what I'm up to too! So if you do, check me out at katielamb19 (<-- click to add me!). I'm hoping to grow my #snapchatfam
Don't forget to Sparkle!
XO ~ Katie
Update (one day later): I wanted to add to this post what my current social stats are so that I can see how this plan works! If it does, that is...
Instagram: 9383
Twitter: 88
Facebook: 147
Pinterest: 420
Avg. Monthly Pageviews: 2.5k
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