Where's the Lilly?? | Lilly Pulitzer for Target

Sunday was a crazy day!  I've never done Black Friday shopping at any major store and now I don't have to because I've lived through a similar experience!

Since it was announced my excitement about Lilly for Target has only grown.  Especially once the look book was released and then I wanted absolutely EVERYTHING!  I even made a spreadsheet I was so excited!

So then when the day came I was all ready.  Had my Target account online set up with my Red card for that 5% ;)  Waiting, waiting, waiting for it to go live.  Then the Facebook group for the launch was blowing up saying that it was live on the mobile site.  So I finally found one of the dresses on my wish list - the Nosie Posey shift!  And I actually got it! Looking back I am so thankful to have gotten that, knowing what I know now!
lilly pulitzer for target shift dress

So after that (it was then about 1:30 AM) my friend and I decided to go to bed since we were planning on waking up at 7:00 AM!

Morning came way too early since we are girls and ended up talking until 2:30... oops! 

We still dragged ourselves out of bed and headed to Target.  When we pulled up there was a HUGE line that stretched the whole length of the shopping plaza.  Here is a crappy cell phone picture for your viewing pleasure ;)
lilly pulitzer for target launch crowd line waiting

Crazy right?! I'm sure you all saw similar crowds if you live in the south or any "preppy" state.

They opened the doors right at 8 and the women at the front started RUNNING.  We were like, why are you running you are at the front!  But anyways then we had to speed walk to keep up with the line.  Way too early for that in my opinion!

When we got inside I was in shock at the swarm of women, the fact that there appeared to be only 2 racks of Lilly, and the fact that they were both completely empty.  It had to be like 8:03 or so by then.
After I came to from my state of shock I headed to the home area for the mugs - the only thing I absolutely HAD to have.  Again I was passed by people running and I still refused to join in because why are you running at 8:00 AM?!?!?  Again I found nearly empty shelves, I did snag the set of 3 candle holders which were on the bottom of  my wishlist.  I didn't even see where mugs might have been and once I nearly got knocked out by an umbrella I left that area.
lilly pulitzer for target votive candle holders gold pink
Walking towards the front of the store I saw another swarm and stopped to see that was probably where mugs would have been because the other cups and plates were there.  Apparently I should have taken whatever I could get my hands on but I didn't want any of the other cups or plates.

Then there was a Target guy with a cart of unopened boxes that we all swarmed around.  Yes, like animals.  So shameful!  But I thought he opened a box with more mugs and I shouted at the poor guy "I WANT THE MUGS!!"  Please don't hold it against me, I was sleep deprived and tired or getting shoved around.  Alas it was a box of more candle holders.  Stupid candle holders.

The only good thing about this whole thing was the 10 items or less line was super short so checkout was quick.  Thanks to all the greedy b*****s for making that happen! {that's a little bitter sarcasm for you if you couldn't tell}.

We left pretty much empty handed and I was pretty depressed about it.  Here is how my BFF (who was in another town for the launch) and I felt afterwards:

Overall I was extremely disappointed at how the whole thing went down.  Having to stay up so late and wake up so early only to get one dress and some candle holders.  Not even candles, just holders.  And then to put salt in the wound some people got literally everything and are selling it at a 400% markup.  W.T.F.

Why a Florida college town Target would stock so little is beyond me.  I know every Target had a limited amount which I also don't understand.

Here's to snagging some returns!

Update:  I was able to get another dress!! I found an actually reasonable person on Poshmark who sold the Sea Urchin for You dress to me for $45.  I was so against buying from re-sellers at first but when I found this one at a semi-reasonable amount combined with my $20 credit from selling my stuff on Poshmark I decided to get it.   Thank you to the people who are selling things for a normal price and not just being crazy greedy!
lilly pulitzer for target sea urchin for you dress silk dress ruffle
Also shoutout to my friend Lizzie for surviving the rush with me and coming up with this great post name :D

1 comment

  1. Unfortunately I didn't even get a chance to go to Target! I had to work Sunday morning. I'm hoping that Target and Lilly restock the items!

