Warm Winter Part 2

 Welcome to day 2 of my Warm Winter series (catch up on Part 1 here)! Today's outfit is a little more formal and could be worn to a work holiday party or for date night!

Funny story - when I was little I used to ask my mom her favorite color and she said black and I would get mad and say that didn't count. Well guess what, black is one of my favorite colors now too!

I love how the v-neck and dress length allow a little skin to peek through and break up the all black look, but a monochromatic look just always gets me goin!

The pleated skirt on this dress is such a small detail that really makes the whole outfit. Don't ever think you need a loud, flashy statement to make a beautiful look. Sometimes less is more!

A few tips and tricks as you're looking through your own closet:
- Long sleeved dresses are perfect for when its warm but not scorching

- A silky fabric makes a piece look more formal. If this were a cotton dress it would look casual.

- These suede OTK boots also add to the classic look. Like I mentioned above I love how theres just a little space between the dress and the top of the boots to break it up but still lots of coverage.

- Minimalistic jewelry is perfect for this look. A small necklace and dainty earrings keep the focus on the main pieces of the outfit and give that clean, classic look.

I wasn't able to find my exact boots except for this site I haven't heard of before and some sizes are sold out. Boo. But I did find the wedge heel version which is the exact same look just with a heel. My dress is old from Nordstrom Rack so I couldn't find the exact match either, but I've linked some almost identical options below.

What do you think about this monochromatic look? Would you wear all black for the holidays? I'd love to get your sense of style in the comments below!

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