I asked what you wanted to know about me on Instagram so I'll be answering those questions and more here, you can also visit my About page (I just updated it!) for more info about the blog and my goals. I'm going to break up the questions into categories to help share my story in a more organized way ;)
The Basics
name: Katie Logenage: 26
from: Orlando, FL
fast facts:
- Only child
- Tall! 5'9"
- Loves Taylor Swift
- Born and raised in Orlando (I'm never leaving!)
- Majored in and currently working in Industrial Engineering
First Comes Love
When did you meet your husband?
We met in high school. I remember on the first day of 9th grade I told my mom that there was only one cute boy in any of my classes (it was Brian, obvs). Over the next 2+ years we became really close friends and started talking on the phone and AOL Instant Messenger (wow that makes me feel old) every single day. In 11th grade we officially started dating and everyone was like "finally you guys *eyerolls*". I guess we were pretty into each other haha.
What's it like being high school sweethearts?
Well that's all I know so it's hard to compare to anything but I think it's awesome! We have been through everything together and know everything about each other. He's my best friend and I can't imagine life with out him!
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Jr. Prom (2009) |
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Sr. Prom (2010) |
College Dance Competition (2013) |
Then Comes Marriage
We went to the same college and actually both majored in Industrial Engineering so we got to have classes together, though we often tried to have classes not together so that we weren't with one another 24/7, because even with your favorite person that is a LOT of togetherness. After so many years together we knew that we wanted to get married, so when we were almost done with college Brian proposed! You can read that story here, but then a year later we got married!
All of my wedding content can be found here. We did all of the wedding planning ourselves and everything was exactly how I wanted it! It was one of the most magical days of our lives for sure with so many memories we will cherish forever.
Then Comes Baby!
Did you plan to be a young mom?
In a nutshell, yes! My biggest wish in life since forever was to be a mom. I was your typical little girl who loved playing with dolls, caring for my younger cousins, and was always the 'mom' of my friend group. When we were in college I was already ready to start our family but I knew that was crazy and that the responsible thing was to start my career, get married, get a house, be financially stable, etc first. So we did that.
Before we were married we started looking at houses but didn't end up finding 'the one' until a few months after our wedding. Let me know if you guys want more content around the home buying process, there's so much to know your first go at it so I'd be happy to help if anyone is in that stage of life. We pretty much gutted our house (I will be sharing more on that!) and re-did a lot. Once our house was all done and we had been getting into a regular groove of life we decided it was finally time (I was probably the only one thinking 'finally' lol) to start a family!
Avery was born just after our 2 year wedding anniversary and our lives have not been the same since (in the best way possible). She is without a doubt our biggest blessing!
Will you share your birth story?
I will! Not in this post, but it's something I do want to do.
How did you come up with the name Avery?
Honestly it was just a name we loved. Her middle name, Marie, comes from a combo of our moms' names. I wanted my kids to have unique but still normal (not like Apple or Dream) names and I thought Avery was so beautiful. Turns out there are a lot of new babies being named Avery so maybe it isn't as unique as I thought, but before my Avery I had only known one Avery so I think it is a newer trend? We were definitely those people with a list of baby names on our phones since before we were even married. So yes, I already have my next baby's name picked out :)
How did you start your blog?
I originally started blogging as a craft blogger (it is still up over here, kind of embarrassing but it's from 2012 okay?) and somehow stumbled upon fashion blogging. I've always loved to shop so I decided if other girls could do it why couldn't I? That was in 2014, and actually my 4 year blogiversary is coming up next month!
Where did Sugar Spice and Sparkle come from?
I wanted my blog name to be something that could be about any topic, I knew I would get bored if it was too specific. I've always been a girly girl so that saying "girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice" came to mind and I just threw sparkle in there because I love sparkle!
How do you grow a following?
This is another topic I want to start touching on more here on the blog because I get asked this all the time by other girls who want to start a blog or become a social media influencer. A lot of it is time and consistency, but there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes as well! Sneak peek - I am going to start offering influencer mentoring soon! If you are interested in being one of my first clients, email me at sugarspiceandsparkle at gmail dot com for more details.
Well I hope that gives you a little more insight and helps you feel like you know me a little better :) I can't get to know you too! So make sure you're hanging out with us over on the 'gram and sliding into my DM's ;) I love chatting with you!
Love. Nice to meet you.
Thanks for reading Regine!