As much as I love makeup, I have to love skincare a little more. Your makeup can only look as good as your skin! I have been so blessed to have not had to struggle with acne or too many skin problems. They say your skin changes in your twenties though, so I am always focused on keeping my skin smooth and bright!
My FAVORITE skin care line is anything from Origins!
I titled this "the basics" because I use these products basically every day. I like to mix it up with other products at times, and if you all want I can do another skincare post soon, just comment below!
The GinZing energy boosting moisturizer has caffeine in it to wake up your skin! I use this every morning - it has an AMAZING fresh citrus scent. The consistency is soooo smooth, a little goes such a long way. Love this stuff.
The partner to that is the GinZing eye cream. It is also amazing and has a little sheen to it to just wake your eyes right up! I love using this to help disguise the dark circles under my eyes (thanks adult life -_-)
At night I use this glorious mixture! High Potency Night-A-Mins (how cute is that name?!). This night cream is super thick but goes on easy. I put this on before bed each night and wake up with super smooth and soft skin. Some mornings I wake up and my skin literally feels SO soft! Love this stuff and just like the GinZing a little really goes a long way.
Origins does cost more than the usual drug store brands, but you DO get your money's worth! And like I said, your skin is the most important part of your makeup - if you don't have a good base your makeup will never look as good as it can.
What's your favorite skincare? I'm always looking to try new things! Don't forget to let me know if you want to see my other skincare favs that I don't use every day, but still love!
Don't forget to Sparkle!
XO ~ Katie
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